%!TEX TS-program = xetex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode %###################################### % Fonts: % Junicode http://junicode.sourceforge.net/ % EB Garamond https://bitbucket.org/georgd/eb-garamond/downloads/ % Sorts Mill Goudy http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/sorts-mill-goudy % IM Fell http://iginomarini.com/fell/the-revival-fonts/ % Cardo http://scholarsfonts.net/cardofnt.html %###################################### \input eplain \beginpackages \usepackage{url} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{graphicx} \endpackages \enablehyperlinks %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % page layout \pdfpagewidth 129mm \pdfpageheight 198mm \hsize 99mm \vsize 454pt \hoffset -10.4mm \voffset -9.4mm %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \tolerance 1414 \hbadness 1414 \hyphenpenalty 500 \finalhyphendemerits 7500 \emergencystretch 5pt \hfuzz 0.3pt \vfuzz=\hfuzz % paragraph spacing \parskip 0pt \parindent 1.2em \baselineskip 15pt \frenchspacing % new line macro \def\nl{\hfil\break} % for forcing 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\catcode`\@=11 \def\footnote#1{\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}#1\@sf \insert\footins\bgroup\eightpoint \interlinepenalty100 \let\par=\endgraf \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt \splittopskip=10pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \floatingpenalty=20000 \smallskip\item{#1}\bgroup\strut\aftergroup\@foot\let\next} \skip\footins=12pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % space added when footnote exists \dimen\footins=30pc % maximum footnotes per page \font\eightrm="Junicode" at 8pt \font\eightit="Junicode/I" at 8pt \font\eightbf="Junicode/B" at 8pt \font\eighttt=cmtt8 % edited version of the \eightpoint macro % these macros are from `manmac.tex' \def\eightpoint{\def\rm{\fam0\eightrm}% \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit}% \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eightbf}% \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt}% \normalbaselineskip=9pt \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt depth2pt width\z@}% \normalbaselines\rm} \catcode`\@=12 % %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % START OF DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \elevenpoint %\footline={\gara\hfil\folio\hfil} \noindent Various glyphs accessed through OpenType tags in five different fonts:\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\jun="Junicode:mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% tabular lining figures (default) \font\junosfp="Junicode:+onum" at 12pt% proportional oldstyle figures \font\junsc="Junicode:+smcp" at 12pt% lower case to small cap \font\juncsc="Junicode:+c2sc" at 12pt% upper case to small cap \font\junfrac="Junicode:+frac" at 12pt% fractions \font\junsub="Junicode:+subs" at 12pt% subscripts \font\junsup="Junicode:+sups" at 12pt% superscripts \font\junhist="Junicode:+dlig,+hlig,+hist" at 12pt% historical {\jun \noindent Junicode\nl 1234567890 {\junosfp 1234567890} {\junfrac 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/8 5/8 27/64 1/72.27} {\junsc small caps ({\TT smcp})} {\juncsc SMALL CAPS ({\TT c2sc})} ff ffi ffl fi fl {\junhist Qu Th ct st species ss ssi ssl si sl} {\junsup 0123456789+-=()n} {\junsub 0123456789+-=()} H{\junsub 2}O }\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\gara="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+lnum,+tnum,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% tabular lining figures \font\garalfp="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+lnum,+pnum" at 12pt% proportional lining figures \font\garaosf="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+onum,+tnum" at 12pt% tabular oldstyle figures \font\garaosfp="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+onum,+pnum" at 12pt% proportional oldstyle figures \font\garasc="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+smcp" at 12pt% lower case to small cap \font\garacsc="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+c2sc" at 12pt% upper case to small cap \font\garafrac="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+frac" at 12pt% fractions \font\garasub="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+subs" at 12pt% subscripts \font\garasup="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+sups" at 12pt% superscripts \font\garasinf="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+sinf" at 12pt% scientific inferiors \font\garahist="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+clig,+dlig,+hlig,+hist,+cv01" at 12pt% historical \font\garaord="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+ordn" at 12pt% ordinals {\gara \noindent EB Garamond\nl 1234567890 {\garalfp 1234567890} {\garaosf 1234567890} {\garaosfp 1234567890} {\garafrac 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/8 5/8 27/64 1/72.27} {\garasc small caps ({\TT smcp})} {\garacsc SMALL CAPS ({\TT c2sc})} ff ffi ffl fi fl {\garahist Quo Th ct st species ss ssa ssi ssl si sl} {\garasup 0123456789+-=()n} {\garasub 0123456789+-=()} 1{\garaord st} 2{\garaord nd} 3{\garaord rd} H{\garasub 2}O H{\garasinf 2}SO{\garasinf 4} }\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\goudy="Sorts Mill Goudy:+lnum,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% tabular lining figures \font\goudyosfp="Sorts Mill Goudy" at 12pt% proportional oldstyle figures (default) \font\goudysc="Sorts Mill Goudy:+smcp" at 12pt% lower case to small cap \font\goudycsc="Sorts Mill Goudy:+c2sc" at 12pt% upper case to small cap \font\goudyfrac="Sorts Mill Goudy:+frac" at 12pt% fractions \font\goudysub="Sorts Mill Goudy:+subs" at 12pt% subscripts \font\goudysup="Sorts Mill Goudy:+sups" at 12pt% superscripts \font\goudyhist="Sorts Mill Goudy:+dlig,+hist" at 12pt% historical {\goudy \noindent Sorts Mill Goudy\nl 1234567890 {\goudyosfp 1234567890} {\goudyfrac 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/8 5/8 27/64 1/72.27} {\goudysc small caps ({\TT smcp})} {\goudycsc SMALL CAPS ({\TT c2sc})} ff ffi ffl fi fl {\goudyhist Qu Th ct st species ss ssi ssl si sl} {\goudysup 0123456789+-=()n} {\goudysub 0123456789+-=()} H{\goudysub 2}O }\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\fell="IM FELL English PRO:mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% oldstyle figures only \font\fellsc="IM FELL English PRO:+smcp" at 12pt% lower case to small cap \font\fellhist="IM FELL English PRO:+dlig,+hist" at 12pt% historical {\fell \noindent IM FELL English\nl 1234567890 {\fellsc small caps ({\TT smcp})} ff ffi ffl fi fl {\fellhist Qu Th ct st species ss ssa ssi ssl si sl} }\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\cardo="Cardo:+lnum,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% tabular lining figures \font\cardoosf="Cardo:+onum" at 12pt% proportional oldstyle figures \font\cardosc="Cardo:+smcp" at 12pt% lower case to small cap \font\cardohist="Cardo:+dlig,+hlig,+hist" at 12pt% historical {\cardo \noindent Cardo\nl 1234567890 {\cardoosf 1234567890} {\cardosc small caps ({\TT smcp})} ff ffi ffl fi fl {\cardohist Qu Th ct st species ss ssi ssl si sl} }\bigskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Not all the fonts have the same tags e.g. EB Garamond is the only font with four numeral variants and the {\tt ordn} tag, Junicode and Cardo don't have the {\tt sinf} tag. IM Fell and EB Garamond are clever enough to distinguish between initial and medial ſ and terminal s. Junicode and Cardo are the only two fonts in which all the glyphs survive being copied and pasted into a word processor.\footnote{*}{In Word 2003 running on Windows 7 at least.} \eject \heading{Other methods of setting fractions} \halign{#\hfil\tabskip-12pt&\vtop{\hsize96.6mm#\strut}\cr (i) & using \TeX\ math mode\cr (ii) & using the Eplain {\tt\string\frac} macro\cr (iii) & using the font's own pre-composed fraction glyphs\cr (iv) & using the {\tt numr} and {\tt dnom} OpenType tags (if the font has these)\cr (v) & using the OpenType {\tt frac} tag as in the previous examples.\cr } For the math mode and the Eplain methods you have to set your font as the font that \TeX\ uses to make fractions, e.g.: % \scriptfont0 for super- and subscript numerals; \scriptfont1 for letters % plain.tex sets \scriptfont0=\sevenrm (cmr7) and \scriptfont1=\seveni (cmmi7) \verbatim \font\1="Junicode" at 8pt \scriptfont0=\1 \scriptfont1=\1 |endverbatim\smallskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\jun\baselineskip15pt\font\1="Junicode" at 7.5pt\scriptfont0=\1 \halign{\hbox to.27\hsize{#\hfil}&#\enspace&\vtop{\hsize64.5mm\noindent\hang#}\hfil\cr Junicode & (i)& $1\over4$ $1\over2$ $3\over4$ $3\over8$ $5\over8$ $27\over64$ $1\over72\cdot27$\cr & (ii)& \frac1/4 \frac1/2 \frac3/4 \frac3/8 \frac5/8 \frac27/{64} \frac1/{72.27}\cr & (iii)& ¼ ½ ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ⅟\cr & (iv)& ---\cr & (v) &{\junfrac 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/8 5/8 27/64 1/72.27} \cr }}\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\gnumr="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+numr" at 12pt \font\gdnom="EB Garamond 12 Regular:+dnom" at 12pt {\gara\baselineskip15pt\font\1="EB Garamond:+lnum" at 7.5pt\scriptfont0=\1 \halign{\hbox to.27\hsize{#\hfil}&#\enspace&#\hfil\cr EB Garamond & (i)& $1\over4$ $1\over2$ $3\over4$ $3\over8$ $5\over8$ $27\over64$ $1\over72\cdot27$\cr & (ii) & \frac1/4 \frac1/2 \frac3/4 \frac3/8 \frac5/8 \frac27/{64} \frac1/{72.27}\cr & (iii)& ¼ ½ ¾\cr & (iv)& {\gnumr 1}⁄{\gdnom 4} {\gnumr 1}⁄{\gdnom 2} {\gnumr 3}⁄{\gdnom 4} {\gnumr 3}⁄{\gdnom 8} {\gnumr 5}⁄{\gdnom 8} {\gnumr 27}⁄{\gdnom 64} {\gnumr 1}⁄{\gdnom 72.27}\cr & (v)&{\garafrac 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/8 5/8 27/64 1/72.27} \cr }}\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\smgnumr="Sorts Mill Goudy:+numr" at 12pt \font\smgdnom="Sorts Mill Goudy:+dnom" at 12pt {\goudy\baselineskip15pt\font\1="Sorts Mill Goudy:+lnum" at 7pt\scriptfont0=\1 \halign{\hbox to.27\hsize{#\hfil}&#\enspace&#\hfil\cr Sorts Mill\hfil & (i)& $1\over4$ $1\over2$ $3\over4$ $3\over8$ $5\over8$ $27\over64$ $1\over72\cdot27$\cr Goudy & (ii)& \frac1/4 \frac1/2 \frac3/4 \frac3/8 \frac5/8 \frac27/{64} \frac1/{72.27}\cr & (iii)& ¼ ½ ¾\cr & (iv)& {\smgnumr 1}⁄{\smgdnom 4} {\smgnumr 1}⁄{\smgdnom 2} {\smgnumr 3}⁄{\smgdnom 4} {\smgnumr 3}⁄{\smgdnom 8} {\smgnumr 5}⁄{\smgdnom 8} {\smgnumr 27}⁄{\smgdnom 64} {\smgnumr 1}⁄{\smgdnom 72.27}\cr & (v)&{\goudyfrac 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/8 5/8 27/64 1/72.27} \cr }}\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\fell\baselineskip15pt\font\1="IM FELL English PRO" at 7.5pt\scriptfont0=\1 \halign{\hbox to.27\hsize{#\hfil}&#\enspace&#\hfil\cr IM Fell\hfil & (i)& $1\over4$ $1\over2$ $3\over4$ $3\over8$ $5\over8$ $27\over64$ $1\over72\cdot27$\cr English & (ii)& \frac1/4 \frac1/2 \frac3/4 \frac3/8 \frac5/8 \frac27/{64} \frac1/{72.27}\cr & (iii)& ¼ ½ ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞\cr & (iv)& --\cr & (v)& --\cr }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\cardo\baselineskip15pt\font\1="Cardo" at 7pt\scriptfont0=\1 \halign{\hbox to.27\hsize{#\hfil}&#\enspace&#\hfil\cr Cardo & (i)& $1\over4$ $1\over2$ $3\over4$ $3\over8$ $5\over8$ $27\over64$ $1\over72\cdot27$\cr & (ii) & \frac1/4 \frac1/2 \frac3/4 \frac3/8 \frac5/8 \frac27/{64} \frac1/{72.27}\cr & (iii)& ¼ ½ ¾\cr & (iv)& --\cr & (v)& --\cr }}\medskip %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % macros for superscripts, subscripts and ordinals % \ord and \sups are the same \def\subs#1{$_{#1}$} \def\sups#1{$^{#1}$} \def\ord#1{$^{#1}$} \font\1="Junicode" at 8pt \scriptfont0=\1 \scriptfont1=\1 \TeX\ also uses {\tt\string\scriptfont0} to set superscripts and subscripts: H\subs{2}O, 2\sups{16}; and {\tt\string\scriptfont1} to set ordinals: 1\ord{st}, 2\ord{nd}, 3\ord{rd}. For the full setup of an OpenType font to set mathematics with \XeTeX\ see the file \href{https://gist.github.com/wspr/616937}{\tt xetex-math-example.tex} in which Cambria Math is set up as math roman, italic, symbol and extension font. \bye