%!TEX TS-program = xetex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode \hoffset -2.95mm \tolerance 1414 \hbadness 1414 \hyphenpenalty 500 \finalhyphendemerits 7500 \emergencystretch 5pt \hfuzz 0.3pt \vfuzz=\hfuzz % paragraph spacing \parskip 0pt \parindent 1.2em \baselineskip 15pt \frenchspacing % line break macro; like `\\' in LaTeX or
in HTML \def\nl{\hfil\break} % for forcing a page break within a paragraph; like \pagebreak in LaTeX \def\pagebreak{\vadjust{\eject}} % like \newpage in LaTeX; e.g. for the end of a chapter \def\newpage{\vfill\eject} \font\tt=cmtt12 at 13pt % location of font directory (on USB stick) \def\fontdir{E:/myfonts} % Palatino Linotype 1.40 in \fontdir % Palatino Linotype 5.03 in system font directory \font\pala="Palatino Linotype:mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% roman font \font\palai="Palatino Linotype/I:mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% italic font \font\palab="Palatino Linotype/B:mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% bold font \font\palabi="Palatino Linotype/BI:mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% bold italic font \font\palasc="Palatino Linotype:+smcp,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% small cap font \font\palasci="Palatino Linotype/I:+smcp,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% italic small caps \font\palascb="Palatino Linotype/B:+smcp,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% bold small caps \font\palascbi="Palatino Linotype/BI:+smcp,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% bold italic small caps \font\Bf="Palatino Linotype/B:mapping=tex-text" at 14pt% bold font for headings \font\osf="Palatino Linotype:+onum" at 12pt% font with old style numbers \font\pn="Palatino Linotype:+pnum" at 12pt% font with proportional numbers \font\frac="Palatino Linotype:+frac" at 12pt% font with OpenType fractions \font\afrc="Palatino Linotype:+afrc" at 12pt% font with OpenType alternate fractions \font\dlig="Palatino Linotype:+dlig" at 12pt% font with discretionary ligatures \font\hlig="Palatino Linotype:+hlig" at 12pt% font with historical ligatures \font\hist="Palatino Linotype:+hist" at 12pt% font with historical forms \font\sinf="Palatino Linotype:+sinf" at 12pt% scientific inferiors font \font\sups="Palatino Linotype:+sups" at 12pt% superscripts font \font\subs="Palatino Linotype:+subs" at 12pt% subscripts font \font\ord="Palatino Linotype:+ordn" at 12pt% ordinals font \font\salt="Palatino Linotype:+salt" at 12pt% stylistic alternates font \font\cpsp="Palatino Linotype:+cpsp" at 12pt% capital spacing font \font\csc="Palatino Linotype:+c2sc" at 12pt% small caps from capitals % version 1.40 \font\old="[\fontdir/pala.ttf]:mapping=tex-text" at 12pt% v. 1.40 \font\oldsinf="[\fontdir/pala.ttf]:+sinf" at 12pt% scientific inferiors font \font\oldsubs="[\fontdir/pala.ttf]:+subs" at 12pt% subscripts font \font\diph="[\fontdir/pala.ttf]:+dpng" at 12pt% font with diphthongs (æ \def\palaold{% \def\pala{\old}% \def\sinf{\oldsinf}% \def\subs{\oldsubs}% \diph% \pala} % a letterspaced smallcap font for the page header \font\headerfont="Palatino Linotype:+smcp,letterspace=6,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt % font for TeX math mode fractions \font\1="Palatino Linotype" at 7pt \scriptfont0=\1 % footnote macro from the TeXbook++++++++++++++++ \catcode`\@=11 \def\footnote#1{\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}#1\@sf \insert\footins\bgroup\tenpoint \interlinepenalty100 \let\par=\endgraf \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt \splittopskip=10pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \floatingpenalty=20000 \smallskip\item{#1}\bgroup\strut\aftergroup\@foot\let\next} \skip\footins=12pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % space added when footnote exists \dimen\footins=30pc % maximum footnotes per page \font\tenrm="[\fontdir/pala.ttf]:mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \def\tenpoint{\def\rm{\tenrm}% \normalbaselineskip=12pt \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width\z@}% \normalbaselines\rm} \catcode`\@=12 %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \def\footnoterule{} \def\heading#1{\medskip\leftline{\Bf#1}\smallskip}% macro for headings \headline={\hfil}% no header on first page of document \footline={\osf\hss\folio\hss} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % START OF DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pala% set the main font for the document \heading{Basic Styles: regular, italic, bold, bold italic, small cap:} \noindent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, {\palai consectetur adipisicing elit}, {\palab sed do} eiusmod tempor incididunt ut {\palabi labore et dolore magna aliqua}. {\palasc Utc enim} {\palascb ad minim} veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco {\palasci laboris} nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo {\palascbi consequat}. \heading{Some OpenType features present in Palatino Linotype:} {\parskip=\smallskipamount \item{•}Tabular old style numerals: {\osf 0123456789} \item{•}Proportional lining numerals: {\pn 0123456789} \item{•}Fractions: 1{\frac 1/4} 2{\frac 1/2 3/4 1/3 2/3 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 1/6 5/6 1/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 1/1} \item{•}Alternate fractions (`nut fractions'): 1{\afrc 1/4} 2{\afrc 1/2 3/4 1/3 2/3 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 1/6 5/6 1/8 3/8 5/8 7/8}\nl (Nut fractions created with \TeX\ math mode: 1$1\over2$ $1\over3$ $3\over4$) \item{•}Discretionary ligatures: {\dlig Qu Th ch ck ft fft fb ffb fh ffh fk ffk fj tt tz} \item{•}Historical ligatures: {\hlig ch ck ct ft fft fb ffb fh ffh fk ffk fj ſi ſl ſſ ſſi ſb ſh ſk sp st tt} \item{•}Stylistic Alternates: alternate forms of ¥ \$ ¶ ₧\enspace--\enspace{\salt ¥ \$ ¶ ₧} (in version 5) \item{•} Capital spacing: adds spaces between letters in all-cap settings: {\cpsp PALATINO} (v5) \item{•}Superscripts: {\sups 0123456789+-=()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \item{•}Subscripts: {\subs 0123456789+-=()abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz} \item{•}Ordinals: 1{\ord st}, 2{\ord nd}, 3{\ord rd} (v5) \item{•}Scientific inferiors: H{\sinf 2}O CO{\sinf 2} H{\sinf 2}SO{\sinf 4}\nl {\palaold Scientific inferiors vs Subscripts {\sinf H2O}, {\subs H2O}} (v1.40) \item{•}{\palaold Diphthongs: {\diph ae oe in saecula saeculorum}} (v1.40) \item{•}Historical forms: {\hist Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet?}\medskip } Historical forms incorrectly changes all `s's to `long s' (ſ). (It should only change initial and medial `s' -- the excerpt above should be `Quo uſque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia noſtra? quam diu etiam furor iſte tuus nos eludet?'). I like the nut fractions. They could be a bit larger and heavier though. In version 1.40 there is a clear difference between scientific inferiors and subscripts; in version 5.00 they seem to produce the same output.\footnote{*}{Version 1.40 of Palatino Linotype came with Windows XP, version 5.xx with Vista and subsequent versions of Windows.} I prefer to enter the ligatured diphthongs (æ œ) directly in the input file, if I'm using them. (Anyway the {\tt dpng} tag seems to be absent in version 5.00 onwards.) When you enter numerals in Palatino Linotype v5.00 when {\tt smcp} is in force they come out like the subscripts in v1.40 (i.e. they sit on the baseline: {\palasc abc123}). This does not happen with v1.40. Version 5.00 and higher has the {\tt ordn} tag for writing superscripted ordinal numerals. {\palaold In version 1.40 U+03C6 `greek small letter phi' is `tall phi' (φ); U+03D5 `greek phi symbol' is `handwritten phi' (ϕ); in version 5.01 these glyphs have been switched.} \bye