%!TEX TS-program = pdftex \input eplain %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % page layout \pdfpagewidth 148mm \pdfpageheight 210mm \hsize 99mm \vsize 454pt \voffset -7mm %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \tolerance 1414 \hbadness 1414 \hyphenpenalty 500 \finalhyphendemerits 7500 \emergencystretch 5pt \hfuzz 0.3pt \vfuzz=\hfuzz % paragraph spacing \parskip 0pt \parindent 1.2em \baselineskip 12pt \frenchspacing \def\nl{\hfil\break} \def\pagebreak{\vadjust{\eject}} \def\newpage{\vfill\eject} \def\unindent {% \setbox0=\lastbox} \def\vp {% \everypar{\unindent\everypar{}}} \def\heading #1{% \vskip 1ex \leftline{\bf#1} \nobreak\vskip.5ex\nobreak \vp} \font\eightrm=cmr8 \font\eightit=cmti8 \font\eightbf=cmbx8 \font\eighttt=cmtt8 \def\eightpoint{\def\rm{\fam0\eightrm}% \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit}% \def\bf{\fam\bffam\eightbf}% \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt}% \normalbaselineskip=10pt \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt depth3pt width0pt}% \normalbaselines\rm} \def\lowquote{\rm,\kern-0.8pt,} \def\ditto{\hfil\lowquote\hfil\lowquote\hfil} \heading{Special Characters} Certain characters in \TeX\ have special functions:\nl {\tt\string\ }introduces a control sequence.\nl $\{$ and $\}$ limit the scope of a command and group commands.\nl \$ introduces and terminates math mode.\nl \$\$ introduces and terminates display math mode.\nl \% introduces a comment. All text on a line following \% is ignored.\nl \& alignment character. Used in tables to indicate column se-\break paration.\nl \# denotes an item in a {\tt\string\halign} table or an argument in a macro.\nl \_ used to indicate that the character immediately following is a subscript.\nl \^{} used to indicate that the character immediately following is a superscript.\nl \~{} denotes an unbreakable space. Words with a tilde beween them will not be printed on separate lines in the output.\nl If you want these characters to appear in the output you must enter them as follows: \settabs\+xxx&xxxxxxxxxxxxx&xxx\cr \+{\tt\string\ } & is entered as &\verbatim$\backslash$|endverbatim\cr \+$\{$ & \ditto &\verbatim$\{$|endverbatim\cr \+$\}$ & \ditto &\verbatim$\}$|endverbatim\cr \+\$ & \ditto &\verbatim\$|endverbatim\cr \+\% & \ditto &\verbatim\%|endverbatim\cr \+\& & \ditto &\verbatim\&|endverbatim\cr \+\# & \ditto &\verbatim\#|endverbatim\cr \+\_ & \ditto &\verbatim\_|endverbatim\cr \+\^{} & \ditto &\verbatim\^{}|endverbatim\cr \+\~{} & \ditto &\verbatim\~{}|endverbatim\cr \heading{Keywords} {\halign{\tt#\hfil \tabskip=1em& \vtop{\hsize=19.55pc\noindent#}\cr at & is a keyword within font commands e.g. \verbatim\font\bigrm|endverbatim\break\verbatim=cmr10 at 12pt|endverbatim\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} by & is an optional keyword in combination with {\tt\string\advance} \dots {\tt by} \dots , {\tt\string\multiply} \dots {\tt by} \dots , {\tt\string\divide} \dots {\tt by} \dots\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} depth & keyword for the {\tt\string\vrule} and {\tt\string\hrule} commands for the depth (below the baseline) of a rule.\nl Example\nl \verbatim\vrule height 5cm depth 2cm width 0.4pt|endverbatim\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} fil & internal measuring unit for dynamic space of first order {\verbatim\hskip 0pt plus 1fil|endverbatim} is equivalent to {\tt\string\hfil}.\nl Note: \verbatim fil << fill << filll|endverbatim\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} height & is an optional keyword for the {\tt\string\hrule}, {\tt\string\vrule} commands to determine the height of a rule.\nl Example: \verbatim\vrule height 4cm width 0.4pt|endverbatim\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} minus & is a keyword for dimensions of {\tt\string\skip} commands. It represents the skip part that can shrink. In {\verbatim\hskip 3cm minus 1cm|endverbatim} the skip may shrink to 2 cm if there is not enough space.\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} mu & unit of measure: mathematical unit only for mathematical mode 18mu = 1em\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} plus & is a keyword that is used when specifying skip values. This determines how much the skip may be enlarged to fit the size of an outer box.\nl Example: \verbatim\vskip 1cm plus 0.5cm minus 0.5cm|endverbatim\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} scaled & is a keyword used in combination with the {\tt\string\font} command. It specifies the scaling value. The value is given as an integer, to obtain the desired factor it has to be divided by 1000. It is normally used in combination with {\tt\string\magstep}.\nl Example: \verbatim\font\bigbf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2|endverbatim\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} spread & is a keyword for a box creating command like {\tt\string\hbox}, {\tt\string\vbox}, {\tt\string\valign}. It determines how much the created box is treated larger than it's natural size. The natural size is accumulated by the contents of the box.\nl Example: {\verbatim\hbox spread 1cm{\hfill abc\hfill}|endverbatim} produces a box that is 1cm wider than a {\verbatim\hbox{abc}.|endverbatim} The text `abc' will be surrounded at left and right side by 0.5cm space. The box should contain dynamic space to fill the spread part.\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} to & is a keyword in {\tt\string\hbox}, {\tt\string\vbox}, {\tt\string\vtop} . . . commands.\nl Example \verbatim\hbox to 3cm{. . .}|endverbatim\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} true & is a keyword that may be used in combination with units of measure. It precedes the unit that will not be scaled by the global value given by {\tt\string\magnification}.\nl Example: {\verbatim\vskip 10 truecm|endverbatim} for a picture with fixed size.\cr \noalign{\vskip2pt plus 1pt} width & is an optional keyword in combination with {\tt\string\hrule} and {\tt\string\vrule}\nl \strut Example: \verbatim\hrule width 10cm|endverbatim\cr} } The remaining keywords are \heading{Dimensions} \halign{\strut \tt#\hfil& #\hfil& #\kern1.5em& \hfil#& #\hfil& #\kern1.5em& #\hfil& #\hfil\cr \multispan2\strut\hfil\eightbf Units\hfil&\multispan6\hfil\eightbf Conversions\hfil\cr pt & point* & & & & & 1pt & $\approx$ 0.0351cm\cr pc & pica* & & 1pc = & 12pt & & 1pc & $\approx$ 0.422cm\cr in & inch & & 1in = & 72.27pt & & 1in & = 2.54cm\cr bp & big point\dag & & 72bp = & 1in & & 1bp & $\approx$ 0.0353cm\cr cm & centimetre & & & & & 1cm & $\approx$ 28.54pt\cr mm & millimetre & & & & & 1mm & = 0.1cm\cr dd & did\^{o}t point\ddag & & 1157dd = & 1238pt & & 1dd & $\approx$ 0.0376cm\cr cc & cicero\ddag & & 1cc = & 12dd & & 1cc & $\approx$ 0.451cm\cr sp & scaled point & & 65536sp = & 1pt & & 1sp & $<$ $0.6*10^{-6}$cm\cr }\smallskip {\eightpoint * Anglo-American pica-(point-)system.\nl \dag\ PostScript point, point size used in most desktop publishing programs.\nl \ddag\ French point system, used on the continent. }\smallskip \TeX\ internally converts all measuring units to scaled points. The largest possible value is about 5.7583 metres. The following two dimensions are dependent on the font currently in use: \halign{\tt#\hfil& \vtop{\hsize0.944\hsize\noindent#}\cr em & is a horizontal measure usually equal to the point size of the font and about the width of the letter `M' in the font.\cr \noalign{\vskip4pt} ex & is the height of a non-ascending lower case letter, about the height of an `x'.\cr } \heading{Catcodes} The primitive command {\tt\string\catcode} defines the interpretation of every character that \TeX\ reads. There are 16 category codes that determine all character functions.\nl 0 \verbatim\catcode`\\=0|endverbatim\ escape symbol\nl 1 \verbatim\catcode`\{=1|endverbatim\ left brace -- begin group\nl 2 \verbatim\catcode`\}=2|endverbatim\ right brace -- end group\nl 3 \verbatim\catcode`\$=3|endverbatim\ math. shift\nl 4 \verbatim\catcode`\&=4|endverbatim\ alignment tab\nl 5 \verbatim\catcode`\^^M=5|endverbatim\ end of input line\nl 6 \verbatim\catcode`\#=6|endverbatim\ macro parameter character\nl 7 \verbatim\catcode`\^=7|endverbatim\ math. superscript\nl 8 \verbatim\catcode`\_=8|endverbatim\ math. subscript\nl 9 \verbatim\catcode`\^^@=9|endverbatim\ a character to be ignored\nl 10 \verbatim\catcode`\ =10|endverbatim\ space\nl 11 are letters (A . . . Z, a . . . z)\nl 12 are other characters\nl 13 are active characters (e.g., \~{} tilde)\nl 14 \verbatim\catcode`\% =14|endverbatim\ start of comment\nl 15 are invalid characters (e.g., {\tt\string\^{}\^{}?})\nl Example: {\tt plain.tex} redefines `{\tt@}' to be a letter symbol by {\verbatim\catcode`\@=11|endverbatim} before using it within private macros. Afterwards it is reset to its normal value: {\verbatim\catcode`@=12|endverbatim} The quote mark in the catcode examples is actually the ASCII grave, although in the typewriter font it looks like a left typographic quote mark.\medskip Most of the information in this document has been copied from Einf\"{u}hrung in \TeX /Introduction to \TeX\ (Schwarz, Krieger). \bye