%!TEX TS-program = xetex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode %###################################### % Fonts: % Junicode % http://junicode.sourceforge.net/ % Florea % http://www.leabhair.ie/sob/clonna.html % Linux Libertine % http://libertine-fonts.org/ % IM Fell % http://iginomarini.com/fell/the-revival-fonts/ % FreeSerif % https://www.gnu.org/software/freefont/ % EZBorder % https://www.fontpalace.com/font-download/EZBorder/ % Byzantium % https://www.fontspace.com/byzantium-font-f4881 %###################################### \input eplain \beginpackages \usepackage{url} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{graphicx}% for the \rotatebox commands later on \endpackages \enablehyperlinks %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % page layout \pdfpagewidth129mm \pdfpageheight198mm \hsize99mm \vsize454pt \voffset-9.4mm \hoffset-10.4mm %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \tolerance 500 \hbadness 500 \hyphenpenalty 500 \finalhyphendemerits 7500 \emergencystretch 5pt \hfuzz 0.3pt \vfuzz=\hfuzz % paragraph spacing \parskip 0pt \parindent 1.2em \baselineskip 12pt \frenchspacing % new line macro \def\nl{\hfil\break} % for forcing a page break within a paragraph \def\pagebreak{\vadjust{\eject}} % page breaking macro, e.g. for the end of a chapter \def\newpage{\vfill\eject} \font\rm="Junicode:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \font\it="Junicode/I:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \font\twelve="Junicode:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt \font\twelvew="Junicode:+onum,letterspace=9,mapping=tex-text" at 12pt \font\fourteen="Junicode:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 14pt \font\fourteenw="Junicode:+onum,letterspace=14,mapping=tex-text" at 14pt \font\sc="Junicode:+smcp,+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \font\scw="Junicode:+smcp,+onum,letterspace=6,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \font\wide="Junicode:+onum,letterspace=6,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \font\wider="Junicode:+onum,letterspace=9,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \font\sixteen="Junicode:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 16pt 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\def\Star{\centerline{\star}} \def\Stars{\centerline{\star\qquad\star\qquad\star}} % thickthin rule 3.5ems wide \def\thickthin{ \centerline{\vrule height1.2pt width3.5em}\vskip-9.6pt \centerline{\vrule height0.4pt width3.5em} } \def\centre{\parindent=0pt\leftskip=0pt plus 1fil\rightskip=0pt plus 1fil \parfillskip=0pt\parskip=0pt\obeylines} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % footnote macro from the TeXbook \catcode`\@=11 \def\footnote#1{\edef\@sf{\spacefactor\the\spacefactor}#1\@sf \insert\footins\bgroup\eightpoint \interlinepenalty100 \let\par=\endgraf \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt \splittopskip=10pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \floatingpenalty=20000 \smallskip\item{#1}\bgroup\strut\aftergroup\@foot\let\next} \skip\footins=12pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % space added when footnote exists \dimen\footins=30pc % maximum footnotes per page \font\eightrm="Junicode:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 8pt \font\eighttt=cmtt8 \font\eightit="Junicode/I:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 8pt % edited version of the \eightpoint macro % these macros are from `manmac.tex' \def\eightpoint{\def\rm{\fam0\eightrm}% \def\it{\fam\itfam\eightit}% \normalbaselineskip=9pt \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt depth2pt width\z@}% \def\tt{\fam\ttfam\eighttt} \normalbaselines\rm} \catcode`\@=12 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % no rule between the main text and footnotes \def\footnoterule{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % START OF DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \rm% set the main text font % thickthin rule to the full measure \def\Thickthin{\hrule height1.2pt\vskip2pt\hrule} % thinthick rule to the full measure \def\Thinthick{\hrule\vskip2pt\hrule height1.2pt} \def\chapterone#1#2#3{\null\vskip-7.2pt%to get \Thickthin to the top of the page \Thickthin\vskip22pt \centerline{\sixteen #1}\vskip12pt \centerline{\wider#2}\vskip6pt \centerline{\wider#3}\vskip22pt \Thinthick\vskip48pt} \chapterone{Chapter One}{THE FIRST CENTURY OF PRINTING}{1450--1550} \centerline{1.\enspace \wider THE INCUNABULA PERIOD}\vskip10pt \def\dropcap#1#2{\null\noindent\smash{\twentysix #1}% \vskip-2\baselineskip\nobreak \parshape 3 5.1mm 93.9mm 7mm 92mm 0mm 99mm\nobreak \noindent{\scw #2}\nobreak } \dropcap{A}{ll} historical periods are makeshift expedients: people did not go to bed in the Middle Ages and wake up in modern times. Few of these arbitrary breaks, however, can have been more detrimental to a real understanding of an important section of human progress than the restriction of the term {\it incunabula} to the time from Gutenberg's first production to 31 December 1500. This date cuts right across the most fertile period of the new art, halving the lives of some of its greatest practitioners such as Anton Koberger (1445--1513), Aldus Manutius (1450--1515), Anthoine Vérard (d. 1512), Johannes Froben (1460--1527), Henri Estienne (1460--1520), and Geofroy Tory (1480--1533). The word {\it incunabula} was first used \medskip\thickthin\bigskip \centerline{2.\enspace \wider GUTENBERG}\bigskip \noindent {\scw The} available evidence about the invention of printing with movable types cast from matrices is unfortunately less conclusive than might be wished; but the following facts may be considered well established. Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg (born between 1394 and 1399), a Mainz goldsmith of a patrician family, began experimenting with printing work towards 1440 when he was a political exile at Strasbourg.\footnote{*}{S.H. Steinberg, {\it Five Hundred Years of Printing}, 2nd ed., 1961.} \newpage % swelled rule made with 5pt Florea \font\floreaw="Florea:extend=3.5195" at 5pt \def\swell{\centerline{\lower0.12pt\hbox{\floreaw 12}}} \def\chaptertwo#1#2{\null\vskip2\baselineskip \centerline{\sixteenw #1}\vskip4pt \swell\vskip1.5\baselineskip \centerline{\sixteeni #2}\vskip2\baselineskip } \def\dropcapT#1{\null\noindent\smash{\kern-3.75pt\twentysix T}\nobreak \vskip-2\baselineskip\nobreak \parshape 3 5mm 94mm 4mm 95mm 0mm 99mm\nobreak \noindent{\scw #1}\nobreak } \chaptertwo{CHAPTER \sixteen II}{The Alphabet} \dropcapT{he letterforms we use} stem in large part from {\it lapidary} Roman capitals – letters incised into stone with a chisel – that came into full flower early in the Christian era. One classic model is the inscription on the column erected in Rome about {\scw ad} 114 by the Emperor Trajan.\footnote{*}{Warren Chappell, Robert Bringhurst, {\it A Short History of the Printed Word}, 1999, p. 22.} \medskip\Star\medskip \noindent The swelled rule in this example comes from the font \href{http://www.leabhair.ie/sob/clonna.html}{Florea} by Séamas Ó Brógáin. The rule is in two parts mapped to `1' and `2'. The Linux Libertine font has swelled rules as single glyphs. I got the swelled rule to the width of the measure by comparing it with a {\tt\string\hrule} and fiddling with the point size and with the \XeTeX\ {\tt extend} feature. I centered it on {\tt height} and {\tt depth} by comparing it with a \TeX\ fraction and using\ {\tt\string\lower}: \def\half{$1\over2$} \centerline{\half\lower0.12pt\hbox{\floreaw 12}\half}\medskip \hrule\medskip You could go the opposite way to the rule above by using a small value for {\tt extend} and a large point size to produce rules that are short and thick and almost diamond shaped: \font\floreanarrow="Florea:extend=0.43" at 8pt \def\chunkyswell{\centerline{\lower1.7pt\hbox{\floreanarrow 12}}} \medskip\chunkyswell\medskip The dropcap macro is customized for the `T'; the letter is {\tt\string\kern}ed out into the margin so that the stem is aligned with the edge of the text block. \newpage \def\chapterthree#1#2{\leftline{\hskip5em\scw#1}\vskip2\baselineskip \leftline{\hskip5em\kern-1.7pt\sixteeni#2}\vskip2\baselineskip} \def\initialpar#1#2{\noindent\hskip4.6em{\twentyfive #1}\kern1pt{\scw #2}} % In the book `Methods of Book Design' the initials are set in Castellar. % The text font is Photina. \chapterthree{chapter 4}{Type and composition} \initialpar{A}{lphabets}, by which all the sounds of speech can be represented in combinations of fewer than thirty letters, can be traced back to the Sinai desert some four thousand years ago. Paper – more durable, portable, plentiful and inexpensive than other writing materials – was first made in China, a century or so before the birth of Christ. In the mid-fifteenth century Johann Gutenberg, a goldsmith of Mainz, began to make separate metal casts or {\it types} of each letter of the alphabet, to arrange these types into words, lines, and pages, and to print ink from them on to paper. That was the beginning of the age of the alphabetically printed book. For more than four centuries, various alphabets, paper, and images printed from composed type have been looking much as they do today.\footnote{*}{Hugh Williamson, {\it Methods of Book Design}, 3rd ed. 1983, p. 27.} \newpage \centerline{\twelve Various dividers} \centerline{\vrule height0.6pt depth0pt width3.5em}\bigskip Swelled rules from Linux Libertine:\medskip \font\lib="Linux Libertine:extend=3.5" at 26pt \centerline{\lib } \centerline{\lib }\bigskip Diamond rules, made from em dashes and characters from FreeSerif:\medskip \font\fsten="FreeSerif:mapping=tex-text" at 10pt \font\fsnine="FreeSerif:mapping=tex-text" at 9pt \font\fseight="FreeSerif:mapping=tex-text" at 8pt \font\fsseven="FreeSerif:mapping=tex-text" at 7pt \font\fsfive="FreeSerif:mapping=tex-text" at 5pt \font\cmten=cmr10 %\def\diamondrulea{\centerline{\fsten---\kern-1pt\lower.85pt\hbox{\fsnine ◆}\kern-1pt---}} \def\diamondruleb{\centerline{\fsten---\kern-2pt\lower.85pt\hbox{\fsnine ♦}\kern-2pt---}} \def\diamondrulea{\centerline{\fsten---\kern-1pt\lower.5pt\hbox{\fseight ◆}\kern-1pt---}} %\def\diamondruleb{\centerline{\fsten---\kern-2pt\lower.165pt\hbox{\fsseven ♦}\kern-2pt---}} \def\threediamond{\centerline{% \cmten% cmr10 has a thinner em dash than FreeSerif ---\kern-.5pt\raise0.935pt\hbox{\fsfive ◆}% \kern-.835pt\raise0.245pt\hbox{\fsseven ◇}\kern-.835pt% \raise0.935pt\hbox{\fsfive ◆}\kern-.5pt---}} \diamondrulea\medskip \diamondruleb\medskip \threediamond\medskip Asterisks: \Stars\bigskip Or just one: \Star\bigskip Thickthin line: \thickthin\bigskip From Junicode: \centerline{}\bigskip \centerline{\fourteen }\bigskip \centerline{❀}\bigskip %\centerline{\fourteen\hbox{}\hbox{}}\bigskip \centerline{\fourteen}\bigskip From Florea: \centerline{\florea3}\bigskip From FreeSerif (Zapf Dingbats): % same glyphs as Zapf Dingbats, but at Unicode codepoints \centerline{\fsten ❈}\bigskip \centerline{\fsten ❖}\bigskip \centerline{\fsnine ❋\qquad ❋\qquad ❋}\bigskip \eject Fonts for creating boxes and borders: \font\byz="Byzantium" at 24pt \font\ezxxiv="EZBorder" at 24pt %\font\canyon="CanyonRoad" at 24pt \href{https://www.fontpalace.com/font-download/EZBorder/}{EZborder}: \bigskip \doublecolumns {\centre\ezxxiv\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip 7uuuj m \& m \& m \& UJJJM } \medskip {\centre\ezxxiv\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip 8iiik , * , * , * IKKK< } \singlecolumn {\centre\ezxxiv\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip 2wwws x @ x @ x @ WSSSX } \doublecolumns {\centre\ezxxiv\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip 5tttg b \% b \% b \% TGGGB } \medskip {\centre\ezxxiv\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip 9oool . ( . ( . ( OLLL> } \singlecolumn \eject \doublecolumns {\centre\ezxxiv\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip 1AAAa z z z z z z QqqqZ } {\centre\ezxxiv\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip 0ppp; / ) / ) / ) P:::? } \singlecolumn \bigskip And \href{https://www.fontspace.com/byzantium-font-f4881}{Byzantium}: \bigskip\bigskip {\centre\byz\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip abbbbbbbbbc g h g h g h g h deeeeeeeeef } \bigskip \doublecolumns \vbox{\centre\byz\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip ijjk o p o p lmmn } \vbox{\centre\byz\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip qrrrs w x w x w x tuuuv } \singlecolumn \eject {\centre\byz\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip ABBBBBBBBBC G H G H G H DEEEEEEEEEF } \bigskip {\centre\byz\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip IJJJJJJJJJK O P O P O P LMMMMMMMMMN } \bigskip {\centre\byz\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip QRRRRRRRRRS W X W X W X TUUUUUUUUUV } \eject Opposite: a title page made with EZBorder. \eject %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % page layout \pdfpagewidth129mm \pdfpageheight198mm \hsize129mm \vsize198mm \voffset-13.5mm \hoffset-25.4mm %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \overfullrule0pt \font\ezxviii="EZBorder" at 18pt \font\cmtwelve=cmbx12 at 12pt \def\bigthreediamond{\centerline{% \cmtwelve% cmbx12 has a thinner em dash than FreeSerif ---\kern-.5pt\raise0.87pt\hbox{\fsseven ◆}% \kern-.835pt\raise0.245pt\hbox{\fsnine ◇}\kern-.835pt% \raise0.87pt\hbox{\fsseven ◆}\kern-.5pt---}} % the ` \vbox to 0pt{' commands are kind of like a vertical analogue of what % \llap and \rlap do. They overlap the text on the border from above. % I tried using \llap from the side of the border, but I couldn't get the text centered properly. {\centre\ezxviii\obeyspaces\offinterlineskip \vbox to0pt{\vskip1in\sixteen A Page Border}\vskip-0pt \vbox to0pt{\vskip2in\bigthreediamond}\vskip-0pt \vbox to0pt{\vskip2.6in\twelve Made with EZBorder}\vskip-0pt %\vbox to0pt{\vskip3in\twelve xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx} \vskip-35pt 7uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptuj m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptuu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& \kern-10pt m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& m\phantom{uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\kern-10ptu}\& UJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ\kern-10ptJJM \vfill } \eject %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % back to the original page layout \hsize 99mm \vsize 454pt \hoffset-10.4mm \voffset -9.4mm %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \font\Floreaxx="Florea" at 20pt {\centre\Floreaxx\obeyspaces\baselineskip20pt\lineskiplimit-1pt \vbox to0pt{\vskip1in\twelve A Floral Border}\vskip-20pt \vbox to0pt{\vskip1.5in\rm Set in 20pt Florea}\vskip-20pt EFABCDEFABCD SUGHIJKLGHVR MG HN OD EP QR ST HN MG EP OD ST QR MG HN OD EP QWDEFABCDEXT HIJKLGHIJKLG }\bigskip \font\Floreaxiv="Florea" at 14pt {\centre\Floreaxiv\obeyspaces\baselineskip14pt\lineskiplimit-1pt ad adad iehehj oadadp eheh eh }\bigskip {\centre\Floreaxiv\obeyspaces\baselineskip14pt\lineskiplimit-1pt qabcdr \vskip14pt i j k l m n o p \vskip14pt sefght } \eject \font\fellflower="IM_FELL_FLOWERS_1" at 22pt \font\fellflowertwo="IM_FELL_FLOWERS_2" at 14pt %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % new page layout: demy with no margin \pdfpageheight216mm \pdfpagewidth138mm \voffset-25.4mm \hoffset-25.4mm \vsize216mm \hsize138mm %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % the same thing as on page 5 except that the `Made With' is % inside a \vbox to 0pt{} which is inside another \vbox to 0pt{} {\centre\obeyspaces\lineskip0pt\fellflower \vbox to0pt{\vskip2in\felleighteen A Page Border}\vskip-0pt \vbox to0pt{\vskip3in{\centre\baselineskip4pt\fellflowertwo \vbox to0pt{\vskip11.5pt\fellfourteensc made with}\vskip-0pt STSTSTSTSTSTSTST S\phantom{TSTSTSTSTSTSTS}T S\phantom{TSTSTSTSTSTSTS}T S\phantom{TSTSTSTSTSTSTS}T S\phantom{TSTSTSTSTSTSTS}T STSTSTSTSTSTSTST\par}} \vbox to0pt{\vskip3.7in\fellfourteen IM Fell Flowers}\vskip-11pt NNNNNNNNNNN N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N N\phantom{NNNNNNNNN}N NNNNNNNNNNN } \newpage %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ % the original page layout again \pdfpageheight198mm \pdfpagewidth129mm \hsize99mm \vsize454pt \hoffset-10.4mm \voffset-9.4mm %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \font\fellflower="IM_FELL_FLOWERS_1" at 24pt \font\fellflowerb="IM_FELL_FLOWERS_2" at 16pt \centerline{\fellsixteen More Fell Flowers}\bigskip\bigskip {\centre\fellflower ABCBD\bigskip FGGGH \bigskip KJIM\bigskip OPPPQ\bigskip KLLLM\bigskip XWXZYZ }\bigskip\bigskip {\centre\fellflowerb XWXWXWXWXWX\medskip WWWWWWWW\bigskip YYYYYYYY\bigskip HIHIH\bigskip yyyyyyyy\medskip wwwwwwww xwxwxwxwxwx }\bigskip \bye